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In this section you can see all the puppies that were born in the kennel "Atiya Ilhaam", see their personal photo albums.

See which puppies the nursery offers for sale, as well as see the puppies that have already found their loving owners, learn about their achievements.

«“A person will never find in this egoistic world an absolutely disinterested friend, a friend who will never leave you in trouble, who will never be ungrateful or treacherous. A dog belonging to a person always stays with a person, regardless of whether he is rich or poor, healthy or sThe dog licks your hands, although you cannot repay him in kind; she licks wounds and sores, facing the cruelty of this world. The dog guards the poor man's sleep as if he were a prince. All friends leave him, but the dog remains. When wealth disappears and reputation is shattered, the dog continues to love the owner dearly - this love is like the sun floating in the sky. "ick. The dog will always be close to the owner, whether it be a terrible cold, piercing wind or heavy snow.  

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