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Papillon has many advantages.


Very smart. According to the IQ rating conducted by American scientists among 80 breeds of dogs that have passed the tests for ingenuity, Papillon took 8th place, and among decorative breeds - the first.

 (The rating of the smartest breeds can be found on the KNOWLEDGES of our site)

High ability to learn, excellent memory, helped Papillon very actively and successfully to take part in competitions in obedience, agility freestyle, he adequately takes in these sports one of the leading places among toy breeds.


Grace, ease, the ability to apply themselves at the exhibition rings, makes Papillon favorite of many judges. He often becomes a star and decoration of the exhibition.


Papillon is a balanced and friendly, inquisitive and inquisitive, agile and brave dog.


Reliable watchman for homes and apartments, but in vain on the "wind" never bark. They do not have the nervousness inherent in many small breeds.


Perfectly gets on with other animals. But if you are deprived of care and love, it will not leave without attention. Will be jealous.


With papillon you will never be bored.

This is a huge inexhaustible supply of energy on the one hand and so tender, soft, white and fluffy, if it sees the need in the eyes of a person.


He lives in the interests of his master, filling his life and life with his quivering presence, understanding and caress. It does not create unnecessary noise and takes up very little space.


It is ideal for maintenance, both in the house and in the apartment. It can be safely kept in a residential area with expensive furnishings. Adult papillon is not kind by nature.


Walking papillon is not necessary, it can be very easily and quickly taught to walk on a tray. But, like any living creature, in order to maintain good shape, it needs walks in the fresh air. Taking a walk, he can be satisfied with going to a nearby shop and will never give up the trip for mushrooms or the rest on the nearest reservoir. However, from any hike over long distances.


For walks in the winter season, Papillon does not need clothes, wool reliably protects him from the cold.


For lovers of longhair, papilon is a godsend.

Its decoration - wool obviously has great advantages in comparison with other breeds.


Dog "Kings" brings joy to the owner with minimal hassle in maintenance and care. Beautiful thick wool does not collect dirt during walks and tends to self-clean. The advantage of wool is that it does not cause an allergic reaction, does not smell, even if it becomes wet!


The correct coat of the papillon is silky without undercoat. Therefore, an adult dog almost does not shed, or rather, does not flick seasonally. It is enough to comb it once or twice a week.

We wash ourselves as necessary with a special soft, moisturizing shampoo for long-haired breeds. And be sure to use rinse conditioner on wet clean wool. We must not allow a wet dog to be in a draft. After bathing, dry hair dryer and comb. A soft brush and combs with rare and frequent teeth are necessary for the care of the coat.

The subtlety and tidiness of the extraordinary cleanliness of the papillon will attract those owners who are particularly important in perfect cleanliness and order in the house.


All continental toy-spaniels are divided into two weight subgroups: from 1.5 kg to 2.5 kg and from 2.5 to 5 kg.


Color in papillon for every taste. In colors - unique.

It is impossible to find two with the same color. Everyone has their own individual shades, tones, patterns, spots throughout the body. Satisfying visually difficult. Admiring these dogs, no one will get tired of monotony.

The main body color is predominantly white. On the case there may be spots of different configurations, different amounts, different colors. Peretsvet should symmetrically paint the ears and eyes. On a small rounded head, a beautiful white groove flows.

Colors vary:

· The white-sable color has a large color range (light yellow, red, bright red, red and red, red sable).

· Tricolor (on the white case and head, black peretsvet with red tan).

· Hound tricolor (on the white case, the marks are pure black and most of the head or the whole head is painted in a reddish-brown color, in different variations and shades).

· White-black (Speaks for itself, on the white body - painted with pure black).


Papillon is an ornate doggie, but - despite its small size, the apparent external fragility, in fact, has excellent health.

This is a very strong and hardy breed. With proper care and good maintenance, he will be your constant companion - for about “plus” “minus” for 15 years.

But all this is relative and of course individual.


Whims of all sorts - this is not about this breed. Rather, he will heal you from any chondrosis. It can be called a big “living pill” for healing our soul of all the irritants that

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