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Papillon is often affectionately referred to as elegant French flower.
Yet they are called butterfly, this is due to the fact that their ears are very much like the beautiful butterfly wings in the expanded form. This is their most remarkable and distinctive feature.
Generally, this breed has many names: the first thing that binds it to its roots - Dwarf Spaniel, but the main name that has found its place among all the dog lovers and breeders - Papillon (or Papillon). But, as any call that dog, its main advantage has been and will be a bright spectacular appearance and unsurpassed intelligence.

It is believed that all modern Spaniel (Papillon, Phalen) originate from a line bred French and Belgian nurseries. Therefore, rock and 2 have the country of origin.

Ideal room dog Spaniel (Papillon, Phalen) were held at the royal court in France and in the salons of the aristocracy in both countries.

First, there are several varieties of the breed, is now preserved only 2 continental toy spaniel Phalen
(With hanging ears, reminiscent of a butterfly with folded wings), who survived the peak of its popularity, then decline to follow him rise,
Continental Toy Spaniel Papillon
(With erect ears, wings unfurled like a butterfly) appeared at the end of the XIX century and, most likely dates back to the dwarf German Spitz.

The breed is recognized by the FCI, AKC, UKS, KCGВ,  SКS, ANKС.


                (Papillon, Phalen)

       Continental Toy Spaniel

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